Dry Skin and Why IZEZE Anyone Series – Tagged "IZEZE"
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    Dry Skin and Why I.ZEZE

    Dry Skin and Why I.ZEZE - Glam Secret

    When we talk about Dry Skin we always recommend to our customer I.ZEZE products from Anyone Series. 

    Dry Skin now a days is the most common problem in many skin and why its happened because of 

    • Heat
    • Environment. Living in cold, windy conditions or low-humidity climates.
    • Too much bathing or scrubbing. ...
    • Harsh soaps and detergents. ...
    • Other skin conditions. ...
    • Medical treatments. ...
    • Aging.
    • unprotected sun exposure 
    • using skincare products with alcohol 
    • not drinking enough water
    • fragrance in skincare products 

    Why Anyone for Anti-ageing and Dry Skin ? 

    Anyone series of izeze is a Skin Recovery Set for all types of Skin Hypoallergenic Formula, Dermatologically tested, Passed skin allergy tests. 

    It eliminates waste, balances oil and moisture and takes care of sensitive skin.

    It contains 500 ppm of calamine. Calamine soothes irritated skin, controls unnecessary sebum  and helps balance oil and moisture.

    It contains 421,000 ppm cypress water. - Strengthen immune function - Neutralize harmful substances - Stress relief - Prevention / care of skin diseases - Antibacterial action

    By maintaining a healthy and ideal pH on the surface of the skin,  it decreases the sensitivity of the skin and protects the skin from irritation.

    Good for Sensitive skin that often feels dry

    Unbalanced skin that cannot control sebum and humidity

    Deep Moisturizer strengthening the skin barrier

    Anti Wrinkles and Anti Ageing

    Contain Cypress Water, Adenosine and panthenol

    Skin Calming and Moisturizing


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